Monday, July 13, 2015

British Ideas for Dining Table Decor

Wood Dining table is the central piece of your social gathering. It’s the only piece of interior that let you to celebrate your signatures.As this substantial piece decor your relations, you need to decorate it. Here are few ideas to decorate your wood dining tables.

Glass Vases with Leaves and Stalk:

You can decorate it by placing transparent glass vases in the center and fill them with tropical leaves and other interesting stalks.  Color the stalks by using water paints. It will give a fabulous look to your table and will make your relation colorful.

Monochromatic Bundle of Flowers:

To decorate wood dining tables with flowers is traditional. You may use the flower of same type with same color and arrange them in a vertical traditional display.  It will fragrant your relations and it creates a sense of freshness.

Versatile Sitting Arrangements:

If you have a wood dining table with a reflective, shining surface, you can surround it with versatile sitting arrangements with multi-color dining chairs to mismatched chairs because your table being reflective reflects their colors and looks amazing and charming. 

Make a Candy Vase:

If you want an Easter candy sitting around you, just take a transparent glass vase and fill it with different candies and jellies having different colors. 

It seems to be aesthetic and will attract your children. At the top of the vase you can place a ribbon flower or paper flower. This attraction will strengthen the bond between you and your children.

Bold Pendants:

If you don’t want to decorate your wooden dining table with flowers or other material, you can hang a bold pendant just above the table. It can look magical and charming if you are planning a romantic candle light dinner with the love of your life. 

Multi-Color Glass Bottles:

If you are creative enough then you can color the bottles of different shapes with different glass paints like blue or green. It will create a multi-layered spread. 

Keeping multi colored bottles will not only make your dining table look attractive but will also boost the appetite and give you a happy dining time. All thanks to the color psychology. 

Over sized Candle Bar:

Floral fabric cover on table and chairs keep your table away from looking outdated. You can place over sized candle in the center of table that makes wonderful focal point on to your dining table.

So next time you have a though about replacing your old wood dining table, think about decorating it and adding value to your home.

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